Please find attached:
- the address of the institute
- a map
- people working at the institute
ILS in the media:
- Campylobacter und Geflügelfleisch, Kassensturz Reportage_12_03
- Ein Bakterium hält die Forschung auf Trab, Neue Zürcher Zeitung Rubrik Wissen
- Der EHEC Erreger, Bericht Tagesschau SRF_08_11
- Über das EHEC Bakterium, Tagesgespräch Radio SRF_08_11
- ESBL Erreger im Geflügelfleisch, Kassensturz Studiogespräch_03_12
- ESBL Bildner in der Schlachtrinderpopulation (PloS One Publikation), Blick online Bericht_09_2013
- ESBL Bildner auf Pouletfleisch, 20 Minuten/Wissen
- Antibiotika resistente Bakterien und Fleisch, Puls_14_10_2013 SRF
- Antibiotika resistente Bakterien, Hüt im Gspröch_5_1_2015 SHF
- Antibiotika resistente Bakterien, Patti Chiari_16_1_2015 RSI
- Radiointerview anlässlich des WHO World Health Day 2015: food safety, Radio SRF4
- Kassensturzsendung vom Dienstag 14. April 2015: ESBL bildende Enterobacteriaceae in Importgemüse
- Exotic veggies could contain drug-resistant germs; Swissinfo Donnerstag 16. April 2015
- ESBL bildende Enterobacteriaceae und Geflügel; Schweiz Aktuell, Mittwoch 18. November 2015
- Killer-Keime: Das Ender der modernen Medizin? 18. März 2016, Beobachter 6/2016
- Multiresistente Baktierien und Dekontamination von Schlachttierkörpern; 10 vor 10,18. November 2016
- Sushi im Labortest; Kassensturz,19. Juni 2018
- Hepatitis E; Gesundheit Heute,4. Mai 2019
- Hallo Puls - Das will ich wissen (Fleisch waschen); Sendung Puls vom 12. Dezember 2019
- Antibiotikaresistenzen; Sendung Einstein vom 23. Januar 2020
- Hallo Puls - Das will ich wissen (Konfitüre und Schimmel); Sendung Puls vom 10. Februar 2020
- Bund sucht nach Ausbruch von Hepatitis; NZZ am Sonntag 30.Mai 2021
Citations 2002 to 2005 "Veterinary Medicine" Labjournal 12/2008
Citations 2005 to 2008 "food science" Labjournal 12/2011
Citations 2006 to 2009 "Veterinary Medicine" Labjournal 12/2012
Citations 2010 to 2015 "Veterinary Medicine" Labjournal 3/2017
Citations 2011 bis 2015 "Microbiology" Labjournal 9/2017
- Poster prize at the 47. Conference "Food Hygiene" 2005 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- Poster prize at the EHEC Workshop 2007 in Wildbad Kreuth
- Poster prize at the 3rd International Biofilm Conference 2008 in Munich
- A. Lehner and C. Zweifel were awarded the Stockmeyer Science Prize 2008
- Poster prize at the 1st International Conference on Cronobacter 2009 in Dublin
- R. Stephan was awarded the Werder-Medaille and the Werder-Prize 2010
- Semesterwork (K. Schärer) done at the ILS was awarded a semester prize of the University of Zurich (UZH)
- T. Tasara was awarded the SureFood Prize 2011
- Poster prize at the 13. Fachgruppensymposium der Fachgruppen Lebensmittelmikrobiologie von DGHM und VAAM in Stuttgart
- S. Peng was awarded the Alfred Kleibel Prize 2013
- Semesterwork (A. Müller) done at the ILS was awarded a spring semester prize 2013 of the University of Zurich (UZH)
- Semesterwork done in cooperation with the ILS was awarded a spring semester prize 2014 of the University of Zurich (UZH)
- C. Zweifel was awarded the "Best Coach Paraklinik" Prize 2014
- Semesterwork (M. Morach) done at the ILS was awarded a fall semester prize 2014 of the University of Zurich (UZH)
- Poster prize (S. Johler) at the 15. Fachgruppensymposium Lebensmittelmikrobiologie der Fachgruppen Lebensmittelmikrobiologie von DGHM und VAAM in Freising
- Poster prize (K. Zurfluh) at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Microbiology in Lugano
- R. Stephan was awarded a Honorary Doctor of the University of Helsinki
- C. Zweifel was awarded a "Virbac Best Coach Award 2015"
- Semesterwork (A.L. Zogg) done at the ILS was awarded a fall semester prize 2015 of the University of Zurich (UZH)
- Poster prize (A. Merz) at the VPH Meeting 2016 in Bern
- S. Johler was awarded the Konrad-Bögel-Nachwuchsförderpreis
- R. Stephan and C. Zweifel were awarded a "Virbac Best Coach Award 2017"
- PhD thesis of Henna-Maria Sihto was awarded the Förderpreis der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Lebensmittelhygiene (SGLH)
- Poster prize (S. Johler) at the 50. Jubiläumsarbeitstagung der SGLH in Zurich
- R. Stephan and C. Zweifel were awarded a "Virbac Best Coach Award 2018"
- R. Stephan becomes Honorary member of the Swiss Society for Food Hygiene (SGLH)
- Master thesis of A. Kropac was awarded the «Förderpreis der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Lebensmittelhygiene (SGLH)»
- Poster prize (F. Muchamba) at the Poster and Networking Day 2018, VSF Zürich
- Prize for best presentation (F. Muchamba) at the VPH Day 2018, Vetsuisse Faculty
- Poster prize (J. Wambui) at the Poster and Networking Day 2019, VSF Zürich
- Poster prize (D. Etter) at the Fachsymposium Lebensmittelmikrobiologie DGHM (2019), Fachgruppe Lebensmittelmikrobiologie und -hygiene, Kiel
- Poster prize (B. Friker) at the Vetsuisse VPH Conference (2019), Bern
- Master thesis of E. Mathur was awarded the Prix Jean-Pierre Miéville 2019
- Master thesis of A. Dostal was awarded the «Förderpreis (2020) der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Lebensmittelhygiene (SGLH)»
- R. Stephan: Anerkennung guter Leistung in der Lehre an der Universität Bern
- R. Stephan has been elected to Fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology 2020
- F. Muchaamba - Travel Award and Student Travel Scholarship Recipients IAFP 2020
- F. Muchaamba - Travel Grant for ESOF 2020
- R. Stephan recognized as an Expertscape World Expert in Food Safety
- K. Schmitt - Preis für die 2. beste Präsentation am ECVIM Kongress 2020
- F. Muchaamba - IAFP online 2020: J.Mac Goepfert Developing Scientists Awards second position
- F. Muchaamba - SGLH Förderpreis 2020
- L. Kelbert - Masterarbeit mit UZH Semesterpreis 2020
- F. Muchaamba - Microorganisms 2021 Travel Award
- J. Wambui - 2021 IAFP Student Travel Scholarship Award
- F. Muchaamba, World Microbe Forum 2021 (ASM and FEMS) Travel Award
- D. Etter, World Microbe Forum 2021 (ASM and FEMS) Travel Award