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Carranza, P., Hartmann, I., Lehner, A., Stephan, R., Gehrig, P., Grossmann, J., Barkow-Oesterrreicher, S., Roschitzki, B., Eberl, L., Riedel, K. (2009). Proteomic profiling of Cronobacter turicensis 3032, a foodborne opportunistic pathogen. Proteomics 9, 3564-3579.
Fredriksson-Ahomaa, M., Wacheck, S., Koenig, M., Stephan, R. (2009). Prevalence of pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in wild boars in Switzerland. International Journal of Food Microbiology 135, 199-202.
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Healy, B., Huynh, S., Mullane, N., O’Brien, S., Iversen, C., Lehner, A., Stephan, R., Parker, C.T., Fanning, S. (2009). Microarray-based comparative genomic indexing of the Cronobacter genus (Enterobacter sakazakii). International Journal of Food Microbiology 136, 159-164.
Iversen, C., Lehner, A., Fricker-Feer, C., Gschwend, K., Stephan, R. (2009). Genotyping of Cronobacter (Enterobacter sakazakii) strains isolated from an infant formula processing plant. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene 60, 66-72.
Kuhnert, P., Korczak, BM, Stephan, R., Joosten, H., Iversen, C. (2009). Phylogeny and prediction of genetic similarity of Cronobacter and related taxa by multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA). International Journal of Food Microbiology 136, 152-158.
Popp, A., Iversen, C., Fricker-Feer, C., Gschwend, K., Stephan, R. (2009). Identification of Enterobacteriaceae isolates from raw ingredients, environmental samples and products of an infant formula processing plant. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene 60, 92-97.
Presi, P., Stärk, K.D.C., Stephan, R., Breidenbach, E., Frey, J., Regula, G. (2009). Risk scoring for setting priorities in a monitoring of antimicrobial resistance in meat and meat products. International Journal of Food Microbiology 130, 94-100.
Raimann, E., Schmid, B., Stephan, R., Tasara, T. (2009). The alternative sigma factor sigmaL of L. monocytogenes promotes growth under diverse environmental stresses. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 6, 583-591.
Schmid, M., Iversen, C., Gontia, I., Stephan, R., Hofmann, A., Hartmann, A., Jha, B., Eberl, L., Riedel, K., Lehner, A. (2009). Evidence for a plant associated natural habitat of Cronobacter spp. Research in Microbiology 160, 608-614.
Schmid, B., Klumpp, J., Raimann, E., Loessner, M.J., Stephan, R., Tasara, T. (2009). Role of cold shock proteins (Csp) for growth of Listeria monocytogenes under cold and osmotic stress conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75, 1621-1627.
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Stephan, R, Zhang, W., Bielaszewska, M., Mellmann, A., Karch, H. (2009). Phenotypic and genotypic traits of Shiga toxin-negative E. coli O157:H7/H- bovine and porcine strains. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 6, 235-243.
Stoop, B., Lehner, A., Iversen, C., Fanning, S., Stephan, R.(2009). Development and evaluation of rpoB based PCR systems to differentiate the six proposed species within the genus Cronobacter. International Journal of Food Microbiology 136, 165-168.
Weber, Ch., Stephan, R., Druggan, P., Joosten, H., Iversen, C. (2009). Improving the enrichment procedure for Enterobacteriaceae detection. Food Microbiology 26, 565-572.
Zihler, A., Le Blay, G. de Wouters, T., Lacroix, C., Braegger, C., Lehner, A., Tischler, P., Rattei, T., Haechler, H., Stephan, R. (2009). In vitro inhibition activity of different bacteriocin-producing E. coli against Salmonella strains isolated from clinical cases. Letters in Applied Microbiology 49, 31-38.
Zweifel, C., Nauer, T., Stephan, R. (2009). Untersuchungen zum Wachstum und zur Persistenz von Escherichia coli O26:H11, O157:H7, O157:H45 und O159:H- bei Säurestress. Archiv für Lebensmittelhygiene 60, 135-140.
Lehner, A., Iversen, C., Fanning, S., Stephan, R. (2009). Molecular Detection of Foodborne Pathogens Chapter 21- Enterobacter, Editor: Don Liu, pp 361, Taylor & Francis Group.
Tasara, T., Stephan, R. Cold adaptation in L. monocytogenes: An overview of the various molecular mechanisms involved. In: The stressful life of bacterial pathogens in fresh cut vegetables, Editor: G. Spano. Research Signpost, in press.
Nauer, T. (2009). Untersuchungen zum Wachstum und zur Persistenz von Escherichia coli O26:H11, O157:H7, O157:H45 und O159:H- in Bezug auf Säurestress.
Raimann, E. (2009). The alternative sigma factor sigmaL of L. monocytogenes promotes growth under diverse environmental stresses.
Schmid, B. (2009). Role of cold shock proteins (Csp) for growth of Listeria monocytogenes under cold and osmotic stress conditions.
Weber, Ch. (2009). Improving the enrichment procedure for Enterobacteriaceae detection.
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Stoop, B. (2009). Molecular based comparison of the yellow pigmentation and the alpha-glucosidase activity in E. helveticus, E. pulveris and E. turicensis to Cronobacter spp. and establishing of PCR basd identification systems.