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Hassler, Ch., Nitzsche, S., Iversen, C., Zweifel, C., Stephan, R. (2008). Characteristics of Staphylococcus hyicus strains isolated from pig carcasses in two different slaughterhouses.
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Kohler, R., Krause, G., Beutin, L., Stephan, R., Zweifel, C. (2008). Shedding of food-borne pathogens and microbiological carcass contamination in rabbits at slaughter.
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Mullane, N.R., O’Gaora, P., Nally, J. E., Iversen, C., Whyte, P., Wall P.G., Fanning, S. (2008). Molecular analysis of the Enterobacter sakazakii O-antigen gene locus.
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Stephan, R., Van Trappen, S., Cleenwerck, I., Iversen, C., Joosten, H., De Vos, P., Lehner, A. (2008). Enterobacter pulveris, sp. nov. isolated from fruit powder, infant formula and infant formula production environment.
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Zweifel, C., Scheu, K.D., Keel, M., Renggli, F., Stephan, R. (2008). Occurrence and genotypes of Campylobacter in broiler flocks, other farm animals, and the environment during several rearing periods on selected poultry farms.
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Fröhlicher, E. (2008). Characterization of attaching and effacing Escherichia coli (AEEC) isolated from pigs and sheep.
Hassler, Ch. (2008). Characteristics of Staphylococcus hyicus strains isolated from pig carcasses in two different slaughterhouses.
Hricova, D., (2008). Electrolyzed water and its application in the food industry.
Kohler, R. (2008). Shedding of food-borne pathogens and microbiological carcass contamination in rabbits at slaughter.