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Burgess, C.M., Gianotti, A., Grusdev, N., Holah, J., Knøchel, S., Lehner, A., Margas., E, Schmitz Esser, S., Shlomp, S., Tresse, O. (2016). The response of foodborne pathogens to osmotic and desiccation stresses in the food chain. International Journal of Food Microbiology 221, 37-53.
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Eshwar, A.K. (2016). Studying pathogen-host interactions and pathogenesis in Cronobacter and Listeria infections using in vitro and in vivo infection models. (PhD, UZH)
Heller, O. (2016). The effect of the administration of three different antimicrobial premix formulations via the liquid feeding system on the occurrence of Enterobacteriaeceae resistant to tetracycline in the liquid feed for pigs. (Dr. med. vet.)
Hunziker, S. (2016). Untersuchungen zur mikrobiologischen Qualität von erhitzten Lebensmitteln aus Bataillonsküchen der Schweizer Armee. (Dr. med. vet.)
Merz, A. (2016). Staphylococcus aureus isolates from goat and sheep milk seem to be closely related and differ from isolates detected among bovine milk. (Dr. med. vet.)
Margot, H. (2016). Improvement of methods for the detection of Gram-negative foodborne pathogens. (PhD, Wageningen University)
Sihto, H.M. (2016). Stress response in Staphylococcus aureus: regulatory mechanisms influencing enterotoxin gene expression under stress relevant to food production and preservation (DVM, PhD, Graduate School Bern)
Johler, S. (2016). Minimizing the Risk of Staphylococcal Food Poisoning.